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Objective 1.3 Practice Task Excel 2016 Microsoft Office Specialist

Objective 1.3 Practice Task Excel 2016 Microsoft Office Specialist

The practice files for these tasks are located in the practice file folder. The folder also contains a subfolder of result files that you can use to check your work.

  • Open the Excel_1-3 workbook and do the following:
    Download filenya disini
    • Change each of the worksheet tabs to a different color from the theme color palette.
      Klik kanan pada tworksheet -> klik Tab Color -> Pilih warna

    • Apply the Retrospect theme to the workbook. Verify that the worksheet tab colors change.
      Klik tab Page Layout -> Klik Themes -> Pilih Retrospect

    • Change the worksheet names from JanFeb, MarApr, MayJun, JulAug, SepOct, and NovDec to Period1, Period2, Period3, Period4, Period5, and Period6.
      Klik kanan pada worksheet -> klik rename

  • Display the Period1 worksheet and do the following:
    • Delete column A (Day) and row 2 (Hour).
      Klik column A (Day) and row 2 (Hour) -> di group cells klik Delete -> pilih Delette Cells -> Pilih Delette Sheets rows

    • Configure the worksheet to print at a Landscape orientation. Display the print preview of the worksheet to verify the settings. 
      Klik Page Layout -> pada group page setup, klik Orinteation -> Klik landscape

    • Create a header that will print on all the pages of the worksheet. In the left header section, enter the Current Date property; in the center section, enter the File Name property; and in the right section, enter the Page Number property.
      Klik Tab Insert -> masuk ke group text, klik header and footer -> masukkan beberapa section sesuai perintah

    • Change the center section of the header to display the name of the worksheet instead of the workbook.
      Klik pada section center -> Masukkan workbook -> Klik OK

    • Klik pada bagian center section -> Klik Sheet Name pada Header & Footer Elements

  • Display the Period2 worksheet and do the following:
    • Resize columns D:O to fit their content.
      Klik Format di grup Cells pada tab Home -> Klik Auto Fit Column Width

    • Check the width of column D, and then set column C to the same width.
      Klik pada column D -> Klik Format di grup Cells pada tab Home -> Klik Column Width -> Setelah di cek, ternyata column widthnya adalah 1.59 cm
      Klik Column C ->  Klik Format di grup Cells pada tab Home -> Klik Column Width -> Masukkan 1.59 cm sesuai dengan column D

  • Save the Excel_1-3 workbook.
  • Open the Excel_1-3_results workbook. Compare the two workbooks to check your work. Then close the open workbooks.

1 komentar untuk "Objective 1.3 Practice Task Excel 2016 Microsoft Office Specialist"

  1. cara mendapatkan file pembelajaran objective 1 sampai 5 gimana ya min?
