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Objective 3.1 Practice Task Excel 2016 Microsoft Office Specialist

Objective 3.1 Practice Task Excel 2016 Microsoft Office Specialist

  • Open the Excel_3-1 workbook. On the Sales worksheet, do the following:
    Download filenya disini
    • Convert the data range A2:M23 to a table that includes a header row and uses the default table style.
      Blok table yang tersedia -> Klik ribbon insert -> klik table

      Masukkan A2:M23 -> Klik OK

    • Assign the name Toys2016 to the table.
      Pada ribbon table design -> ganti table name pada bagian properties menjadi Toys2016

    • Move the July column so that it is between the June and August columns.
      Blok baris July -> klik ribbon home -> klik cut

      Klik baris Aug ->  Klik kanan -> pilih incert cut cells

    • Move the Linda, Max, and Nancy rows at one time so that they are between the Kay and Olivia rows.
      Blok kolom Linda, Max dan Nancy -> klik ribbon home -> klik cut

      Klik kolom Quentin ->  Klik kanan -> pilih incert cut column

    • Add a row to the table for a salesperson named Raina, between the Quentin and Steve rows.
      Klik baris steve -> klik kanan -> klik insert -> Masukkan nama Raina

    • Add a row to the end of the table for a salesperson named William.
      Tarik ujung kiri bawah untuk menambah baris -> masukkan nama William

    • Add a column named Dec to the right end of the table.
      Klik 2x pada column 1 -> Ketik Dec

    • Delete column M from the table.
      Klik kolom M -> Klik Home -> Klik Dellete pada bagian cells

  • Save the Excel_3-1 workbook.
  • Open the Excel_3-1_results workbook. Compare the two workbooks to check your work.

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